All posts by beginnerhousewife

A typical morning on a no kindy day

The dog had snuck onto the bed when my husband got up my day began with a wet nose on my back then a massive furry lump flopping down and leaning against me for pats. So far okay. Kid number one comes running in to inform me he made his own healthy brekkie. Upon further questioning, said brekkie was found to be lemon chunks and blueberries floating in water. Not a particularly filling breakfast but whatever floats your boat. Kid number three is awake and needs feeding, and since number two is still asleep I bring number three into bed with me so I can stay in my comfy bed just a little longer. Getting dressed seems like a bit much effort, so far still an okay morning. Number two wakes up and is released from the bedroom by her big brother. She comes to say heoo (hello) to me and that’s my cue to haul myself out of bed.

Getting dressed still seems a bit beyond me so I sort the kids out first. Jacks breakfast is inspected and pronounced good enough, Freya is given the nearly empty coco pops container to see what she can scavenge out of that, and Hayden is put down for a bum change and clean clothes.

I look to the couch and see some weird stuff on the remote. Turns out it’s dog puke all over the couch. With a resigned sigh I clean that up before Freya decides to play with it (fortunately, my couch is leather so easy to clean) I finish cleaning the couch and realise at some point the oldest two decided today is a day for nudity and stripped off. I sympathise but feel I should probably set an example so I go and get dressed while my little nudist colony enjoys freedom. I am jealous.

Everybody is happy so I look around for some excuse to put off my housework…. And here we are. And good timing means I finish writing just in time to go stop my daughter eating the leftover strawberry bits she’s pulling out of the rubbish bin. Fantastic.

Coming to grips with a people mover

We bought a Honda Odyssey when I was pregnant with number 3, intending to sell my other car to pay back the money we used to buy the new one. We had been looking for a bigger car since we found out about the bonus baby but hadn’t found anything as I desperately did not want a people mover. No matter how practical I wanted no part in a Wingroad, Estima, Grandis or Wish. And, Yes, Odyssey was also on my list of don’t wants.

However with baby only a few weeks away we were offered a 97 Odyssey for $1000. I couldn’t say no and, to be honest, once I got used to driving it I actually don’t mind it. (Yet even now I avoid saying I like it) 4-ish months later I still can’t parallel park the friggin’ thing but overall it’s been ok. It holds all 3 kids, the dog and luggage for 3 nights away which is pretty sweet. But in the back of my mind I’ve been sort of counting on my old car still being there if I ever feel like going out without my vehicle advertising the fact that I’m a Mum. Now my car is listed on TradeMe hopefully going to a new home in the next week or so and once it’s gone I’ll have to finish dealing with the fact that I am the owner of a people mover. When I go out, it’s obvious to everybody (at least that’s how it feels) that I am a harried mother, getting frustrated with the pre-schooler that wants to discuss everything he sees, the toddler struggling to remove her seatbelt, and the baby that thinks he will waste away if I don’t pull over and feed him RIGHT NOW. I’m only 25 but the Odyssey makes me feel as though I’ve officially said goodbye to my youth. Where did it go? Oh that’s right, I left that behind when I was pregnant and married at 21… I guess it’s time to bite the bullet and just own that shit.

I am a Mum, I am a housewife, I have adult responsibilities and dammit, I drive a people mover!

Hello Internet.

After roundly abusing my computer while trying to figure out Facebook, I realized a blog is the answer! I can post all the same  inane thoughts and comments I would put on Facebook without having to sift through thousands of photos, possible “friends” and various other whatnots. Social media is not for me, I just don’t care enough what other people are up to. However, putting whatever I feel like out there for strangers to read is right up my alley.

So here I am. And the thought of the day is… Weight Loss. A sad wee (or not so wee) topic that has been pushed to the forefront of my mind by my scales informing me I’m now weighing in at 113kg. Ouch. However much I may have enjoyed the desserts, chocolate and entire tubs of mint chocolate icecream that got me here, I think I’ll enjoy being a reasonable weight more. And if not, the chocolate and icecream will always be waiting for me.

So, how to tackle the 38 kg I want to get rid of? Liposuction? Too expensive. Self control? Too easily lost after a bad day. Weight Watchers? Also too expensive. But wait (see what I did there?) I can do Weight Watchers! Now they let you buy their products without becoming a member. Weight Watchers it is then. My plan is to use the Pro Points plan but skip the meetings and other member-only bits. Without the meeting to hold me accountable I’ll need a substitute… Mummy!! She will be my accountabili-buddy (Thank you South Park for that wonderful term). Each day Mum will record my weight and each week I will show her my tracking book where I write everything I eat and keep track of points used. My husband won’t tell me off for eating an entire block of chocolate in an hour, but my Mum will be sure to keep me on track. All in a loving, friendly manner of course 🙂

I’ll keep you updated, dearest internet. Bye-bye for now.